Why You Should Incorporate Citrus Fruit Into Your Daily Diet

Every fruit and vegetable is beneficial to your health. Citrus fruits are particularly worthy of attention.

Benefits may be gained by eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables. That being said, citrus fruits are particularly noteworthy. Although the association between nutrition and illness is poorly understood, scientists continue their efforts to discover links between the two, frequently with positive results.

Recently, a Norwich Medical U.K. and Harvard study were released that women who eat citrus fruits in sufficient quantities are less likely to suffer a stroke. The research wanted to investigate the impact of six specific subtypes of flavonoids to see if their consumption leads to the prevention of particular diseases. Flavonoids are pigments that give fruits their color. The specific flavonoids they were researching are found only in citrus fruits.

During fourteen years, 70,000 female nurses were monitored, and upon completion of the study, it was concluded that citrus fruits could play a role in lowering the risk of stroke in women.

The Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, which include various varieties of limes, lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, are considered one of the most significant sources of vitamin C. Still, they also contain many other beneficial nutrients. Including:

  • Fructose, glucose, and sucrose these carbohydrates serve to regulate blood sugar. Also, citrus contains non-starch fiber, which helps lower plasma cholesterol levels.
  • Potassium is a mineral that maintains the body’s water to acid balance and plays a part in transmitting nerve impulses to muscles. Phytochemicals can prevent chronic illnesses.
  • Flavonoids are among the phytochemicals and may assist in the prevention of cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Without question, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially those containing vitamin C, helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, after considerable research, a consensus has been reached that they can prevent cancer.

In addition, vitamin C helps prevent anemia because it increases iron absorption into the body. Anemia can impair psychomotor development, reduce physical performance, and decrease cognitive function.

Another benefit to including vitamin C in your diet is preventing age-related cataracts because it provides oxygen to the eye’s lens.

Precautions for Medications

However, when including citrus fruits in your diet, you need to consider any prescription drugs. Grapefruit juice, in particular, can cause dangerous interactions with medications that are prescribed for those who have suffered a heart attack.

Also, Statin drugs that are commonly used to lower high cholesterol, when combined with high amounts of flavonoids, have the potential to cause liver damage. In addition, several drugs do not mix well with citrus. Consult your doctor or pharmacist.

As scientists and academics uncover ever-increasing correlations between what individuals eat and how they feel, evidence mounts that your food has a tremendous effect on the diseases you will get.


Citrus fruits are considered one of the most significant sources of vitamin C. The association between nutrition and illness is poorly understood. A Norwich Medical U.K. and Harvard study concluded that citrus fruits could play a role in lowering the risk of stroke in women. Potassium is a mineral that maintains the body’s water to acid balance.

Vitamin C helps prevent anemia because it increases iron absorption into the body. Grapefruit juice, in particular, can cause dangerous interactions with medications prescribed for those who have suffered a heart attack.

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