Top 5 Foods To Fight Your COVID-19 Symptoms, Says Dietitian

The effect that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the world over the past three years is something that none of us will ever forget. But unfortunately, even while the intensity and quantity of COVID-19 instances have appeared to decline, we’re still not completely safe.

According to UC Davis Health, the Omicron variation, which has symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever, headaches, muscle discomfort, and exhaustion, is the most recent strain to sweep the country. Although the symptoms of this strain of COVID-19 are often less severe than those of prior strains, they are nonetheless not to be taken lightly. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, you’re looking for immediate relief at your neighborhood pharmacy. However, your kitchen and neighborhood grocery shop might have extra remedies to help your immune system fight this infection. You can eat certain foods to help reduce the symptoms of COVID-19.

A straightforward diet consisting of healthy foods can play a crucial part in your body’s capacity to recover from the COVID-19 virus, along with getting plenty of rest and water. The best foods to eat to treat your COVID-19 symptoms are listed below.

  1. Avocados

COVID-19 causes the body to become more inflammatory, resulting in various symptoms, from physical aches to organ failure. In addition, researchers discovered that persons with COVID-19 infections of all ages have low levels of the major antioxidant glutathione, which helps the body fight oxidative stress.

Glutathione-rich avocados are simple to integrate into a meal as a topping or a smoothie, according to performance nutritionist Sarah Pflugradt, MS, RDN. Muscle pain, fever, exhaustion, and sore throat symptoms can all be caused by inflammation.

People with COVID-19 infection frequently have low potassium levels in addition to low glutathione, and symptoms might include constipation, lethargy, muscle weakness or spasms, and heart palpitations. In addition, a single avocado contains 21% of your recommended potassium intake. So your potassium reserves may be topped off by doing this.

  1. Chicken Soup

The classic comfort food for sick days is chicken noodle soup, and there is a medical explanation behind this. When the chicken soup was tested in 2000 by researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, they discovered a minor anti-inflammatory impact that helped block neutrophil products, a known trigger for developing mucus in respiratory illnesses like COVID-19.

  1. Jalapeno Peppers

Eating hot, capsaicin-rich peppers like jalapenos may be helpful if you have a constant cough. Taking capsaicin powder daily for four weeks reduced chronic coughs, according to a small study published in Respiratory Medicine in January 2015. However, if you also experience a runny nose, be aware that spicy foods may aggravate this symptom because they loosen mucus.

  1. Watermelon

Try consuming foods high in water and other vital nutrients if you have difficulties getting enough fluids in your system. For example, watermelons are high in vitamins A and C and contain more than 90% water. It also contains 11 grams of carbohydrates, giving you additional energy. In addition, keeping hydrated will ease headaches, soothe aching muscles, and thin mucus.

  1. Yogurt

While recovering from COVID-19 or after, yogurt, kefir, and other probiotic foods can help rebuild the beneficial bacteria in your stomach, improving your health and lowering your risk of getting sick or infected again.

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