9 Superfoods to Maintain Your Immunity in Check-in Changing Season

With the change of weather, your immunity may suffer. Protect your health by consuming these nine superfoods that increase immunity. Together with its other functions, the immune system acts as our body’s army, continually battling pathogens to lower the risk of contracting various diseases.

A well-nourished body needs to give the energy to carry out their everyday tasks. But, there are times when we are nutritionally deficient. In those cases, we require more nutrition to maintain our health, vitality, and activity levels, significantly when the weather changes. Undoubtedly, some immunity-boosting superfoods offer important nutritional value or advantages.

The need for more fluids, electrolytes, antioxidants, proteins, and fiber to fight against illness and maintain fitness increases as mercury levels rise.

9 Superfoods to Boost Immunity

Here are nine superfoods that strengthen immunity and ward off seasonal illnesses!

  1. Watermelon

The most generally available, high in lycopene, vitamin C, and carotenoids, with 90% water content and 6% sugars, can be ingested as diced, sliced, or juice. It is good for maintaining hydration and energy levels.

  1. Black plum or java plum (Kala jamun)

Despite being well known, black plums are infrequently eaten. When fully grown, it has a sweet, acidic, astringent flavor that leaves a purple stain on your tongue. A fair amount of vitamin C, a sizable number of polyphenols, and antioxidants, which have antihyperglycemic, antihypertensive, cardioprotective, and anti-inflammatory properties, are also present. It contains about 80% water and 16% carbs.

  1. Mango

The king of fruits is the mango! The yellow fruit has high fiber content eases constipation, and beta carotene, antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium lower inflammation while regulating blood pressure. Additionally, it is rich in potassium, mangiferin, and magnesium, which helps to ward off sunstroke, and it is aam panna (raw mango juice).

  1. Bottle gourd

In addition to having a lot of water, it also has a lot of iron, folate, manganese, potassium, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin E. All of these minerals help digestion and immunity.

  1. Coconut water

Coconut water contains incredibly few calories and carbs. In addition, your body receives minerals from potassium, sodium, and magnesium-containing electrolytes, which also help to keep you hydrated and healthy.

  1. Basil seeds

They are rich in soluble fiber, ALA, calcium, magnesium, iron, and ALA, which help with digestion, blood sugar regulation, and hydration.

  1. Curd

In addition to being an excellent probiotic food, it is a wonderful source of calcium and protein, both of which support the development of teeth and bones. As a result, it improves immunity, lowers blood sugar, aids in weight loss, and aids digestion.

  1. Sattu

It is a protein and fiber-rich superfood made from gram flour. Use it in various dishes such as beverages (mixed with buttermilk), laddus, and paratha to reap the most benefits.

  1. Kokam

The main preparation of this fruit, which is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, is traditional summer cooler Kokam sherbet. It has anti-inflammatory effects and enhances digestion, maintaining a healthy and robust immune system.

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