6 Proteins You Should Eat Every Week, According to a Dietitian

Protein is the best macronutrient for maintaining a healthy weight, repairing damaged muscles, and supporting the immune system. And it’s crucial to include it in your diet each day to boost your general health. So, what food options do you have to choose to get enough protein? Whether you consume animal products or not, you can pick from a wide range of protein sources to help you satisfy your protein demands through a balanced and healthy diet.

6 Proteins You Should Eat Every Week

  1. Eggs

Choline, iodine, and vitamin D are just a few of the essential nutrients that are abundant in eggs, a simple source of protein. However, eggs are adaptable and can be used to flavor dishes like our Spinach, Mushroom, Egg Casserole or Spinach, Pea, and Carbonara. High-quality protein with all the necessary amino acids can be found in eggs. Additionally, the yolk contains almost half of the egg’s protein, so make sure you consume the whole egg.

  1. Lentils

Regarding health advantages, pulses like lentils are nutritious powerhouses that provide a strong punch. They are a good source of fiber, protein, folate, potassium, iron, and other vital elements.

In place of animal proteins, lentils provide a satisfying alternative with 9 grams per half-cup serving. Because they collectively supply a whole spectrum of necessary amino acids, lentils and other pulses are the ideal accompaniment to cereal grains. In addition, lentils and other pulses (such as chickpeas or black beans) can be regarded as both a protein and a vegetable due to their high nutritional richness.

  1. Chicken

Chicken is a common ingredient in many houses as it is the most popular meat. There are numerous ways to enjoy this protein source, from a classic chicken soup to a nostalgic chicken Waldorf salad. Both dark- and white-meat chicken contain choline and vitamin B12, which, when combined, may support brain growth, healthy nervous system function, and improved cognitive function in older persons. And a huge 26 grams of protein are present in a 3-ounce portion.

  1. Greek Yogurt

Depending on the variety you select, Greek yogurt contains all three macronutrients and has a particularly outstanding level of protein in comparison to other varieties of yogurt. The USDA estimates that a 7-ounce serving of Greek yogurt has 20 grams of protein and all nine necessary amino acids.

  1. Fish

Regular fish consumption is associated with numerous health advantages, including cardiovascular, neurocognitive, and psychosocial advantages. Unfortunately, the guideline to consume seafood—which includes fish and shellfish—at least twice a week is not adhered to by 90% of Americans. Fish is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for everything from your heart to your brain, especially oily, cold-water fish (like salmon or tuna).

  1. Tofu

Soy, naturally high in protein, is used to make tofu. It is easy to prepare, reasonably priced, and a preferred option for vegetarians and carnivores. A half-cup serving of tofu has 22 grams of protein and is high in calcium and copper. Try it in a salad, soup, stir-fry, or smoothie.

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